When preparing your notices, don't assume that things are the same every year. It's always a good idea to check what rules and requirements have changed. For example, this year it was announced that there's a new notice required for fixed indemnity plans - with specific requirements on how exactly the information is included in your notice packet(s). It's easy to lose track of this when the focus is often on group medical for compliance. Take a look at the short video for an overview, and check out page 75 of the final rule in the link below for the model notice. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2024-04-03/pdf/2024-06551.pdf
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We help benefits consultants eliminate fines, penalties, and lawsuits for their employer clients. We use proven tools, technology, and process to increase the compliance capabilities across the entire EB practice to transform you into a highly profitable, competent, elite EB organization. Click here to learn more about working with us directly. Click here to learn more about our online program, BCS Transform.
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