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Sarah Borders
Nov 9, 20200 min read
Sarah Borders
Oct 25, 20200 min read
Sarah Borders
Oct 20, 20204 min read
ACA's Rehire Rules Explained
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) Â brought with it a set of rules for dealing with the rehiring of employees after an initial termination of...
Oct 17, 20201 min read
It's Never Too Late
On my 40th birthday, I wanted to share a simple, but relevant message: It's Never Too Late. No matter what you're dreaming of, you can...
Sarah Borders
Oct 11, 20200 min read
Sarah Borders
Oct 5, 20202 min read
1095 Distribution Extensions Announced
The IRS recently announced limited relief from some of the 2020 ACA reporting requirements (IRC Sections 6055 and 6056). Specifically,...
Sarah Borders
Sep 27, 20202 min read
HSA Reminders and Increases for 2021
HSAs are often confused with health FSAs, but they are very different. Here’s a quick reminder of how an HSA works. HSA eligibility is...
Sarah Borders
Sep 14, 20200 min read
Sarah Borders
Sep 7, 20202 min read
Embedded Deductibles & Minimum Statutory Deductibles
Today's video covers a very common question: how do embedded deductibles work? I walk through the numbers and how you can make sure that you
Sep 2, 20202 min read
How to quadruple your chances of success
I'm a big Dave Ramsey Fan - read all the books, followed the program, listen to the radio show (and have even called in a few times...
Sarah Borders
Aug 31, 20201 min read
ACA Penalties Increased for 2021
Recently the IRS updated its ACA webpage and FAQs reflecting the indexed changes to the 2021 ACA penalties that could apply to applicable...
Sarah Borders
Aug 23, 20200 min read
Title VII updates in effect - don't wait to take action
Here's an update to my video on the recent SCOTUS ruling in regards to updating "sex" to include both sexual orientation and gender identity
Sarah Borders
Aug 18, 20200 min read
August 2020 PBM executive order - what might it mean for benefit plans?
In today's video, I provide a quick overview of one of the most critical aspects of the recent prescription-drug related executive order, an
Sarah Borders
Aug 10, 20200 min read
Sarah Borders
Aug 2, 20200 min read
Sarah Borders
Jul 27, 20200 min read
Draft 1095-C forms have significant changes
The IRS regularly releases draft forms to make the public aware of upcoming changes. Of the draft forms currently available, employers and e
Jul 23, 20202 min read
You don't have to be good to win
When we were starting BCS, we did a lot of research - interviewing employers and brokers, talking to other entrepreneurs, getting advice fro
Sarah Borders
Jul 19, 20200 min read
Clarification on Form 5500 filing extensions
In today's quick video, I provide clarification on form 5500 extensions that have been announced to help employers struggling with the COVID
Jul 8, 20201 min read
The secret I learned in the gym parking lot
At the gym the other day, I noticed the strangest thing. I'm normally there very early - slightly before 5 am.
What I noticed was the cars
Sarah Borders
Jul 1, 20202 min read
PCORI fee changes: What you need to know
The PCOR fee must be reported each year on IRS Form 720 for the second quarter of the calendar year and can be paid electronically or mailed
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