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Sarah Borders
Mar 15, 20211 min read
Mid-year election changes...don't require qualifying life events?
Today's video covers an IRS notice included in the recent Consolidated Appropriations Act detailing some changes to mid-year election...

Sarah Borders
Jun 17, 20192 min read
Can a Change be Made Upon Legal Separation or End of Domestic Partner Relationship?
Changes in legal marital status allow an employee to make a corresponding, prospective election change mid-plan year. These include...

Sarah Borders
Jun 10, 20192 min read
Who can enroll when there’s a birth or adoption?
HIPAA says group health plans must give a special enrollment opportunity to newly acquired spouses and dependents, and also to current...

Sarah Borders
Jun 3, 20192 min read
Qualifying life events and "change in coverage under other employer plan"
The Section 125 rules say that a cafeteria plan can allow participants to make certain election changes midyear due to a change in...

Sarah Borders
May 26, 20192 min read
Qualifying life events and "change in employment status"
The Section 125 rules provide a list of “change in status” events, which allow certain midyear changes to an employee’s pre-tax election....

Sarah Borders
May 19, 20192 min read
Section 125 Qualifying Events are Deceptively Tricky
Pre-tax elections made under a cafeteria plan are irrevocable for the period of coverage (typically for the plan year). In other words,...

Sarah Borders
Apr 14, 20192 min read
Retroactive enrollments violate cafeteria plan rules
Contrary to what’s commonly done in practice, Section 125 requires that employers only permit employees’ election changes on a...
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