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Sarah Borders
Jul 27, 20220 min read
Sarah Borders
Aug 19, 20211 min read
Filed your 5500? Great! Now don't forget this!
Employers and Brokers are getting better at making sure 5500’s get filed properly. But there’s another requirement that follows shortly...
Sarah Borders
Jul 9, 20210 min read
Sarah Borders
Jul 19, 20200 min read
Clarification on Form 5500 filing extensions
In today's quick video, I provide clarification on form 5500 extensions that have been announced to help employers struggling with the COVID
Sarah Borders
Dec 16, 20192 min read
Calendar Plan Year Reminders - Don't Forget!!
As 2019 draws to a close, we wanted to provide employers and consultants a list of some of the most frequently forgotten compliance...
Sarah Borders
Jul 8, 20192 min read
Form 5500s due 7/31 for 2018 calendar year plans
Employers must file Form 5500 by the last day of the 7th month following the last day of the plan year. This means plans that began Jan...
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