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Sarah Borders
Feb 6, 20230 min read

Wraps vs POPs (2/3): What's a POP doc, and who needs one?
The IRS Section 125 rules apply to every employer that lets employees pay for benefits with pre-tax dollars. These rules say that...
Sarah Borders
Jan 23, 20232 min read

Wraps vs POPs (1/3): What's the difference? Who needs them?
Beyond requiring that a plan “be established and maintained pursuant to a written instrument,” ERISA does not say exactly what...
Sarah Borders
Jan 16, 20232 min read

Sarah Borders
Jul 27, 20220 min read

Filed your 5500? Great! Now don't forget this!
Employers and Brokers are getting better at making sure 5500’s get filed properly. But there’s another requirement that follows shortly...
Sarah Borders
Aug 19, 20211 min read

Sarah Borders
Jul 9, 20210 min read

2020: Record-breaking ERISA enforcement
Today's video detail's the DOL's recent report on fines, penalties, and recoveries in 2020 from the EBSA. It was a record-breaking year...
Sarah Borders
Feb 18, 20211 min read

Clarification on Form 5500 filing extensions
In today's quick video, I provide clarification on form 5500 extensions that have been announced to help employers struggling with the COVID
Sarah Borders
Jul 20, 20200 min read

The number one issue we see with employers
It’s extremely common for employers to offer benefits to employees who are on some sort of non-FMLA leave of absence. While there’s...
Sarah Borders
Jun 8, 20202 min read

Can an employer allow pre-tax premium payments for employees’ worksite products?
Beginning back in 2014, cafeteria plans cannot be used to pay pre-tax premiums for individual health policies that provide major medical...
Sarah Borders
Nov 26, 20192 min read

Can an employer implement a Spousal or Dependent Surcharge or Exclusion?
Let's start by clarifying: there is a significant difference between spousal surcharges and spousal carve-outs. Let's learn more.
Sarah Borders
Nov 21, 20194 min read

Summary Annual Report for Calendar Year Plans Due 9/30
The Summary Annual Report (SAR) must be given to plan participants within 9 months of the end of the plan year if the employer had to...
Sarah Borders
Sep 10, 20191 min read

Summary of Material Modifications: What is it, who has to do it, and when is it due?
A summary of material modification (SMM) is required anytime there’s a “material” change to the SPD. The guidance doesn’t describe what...
Sarah Borders
Jul 14, 20192 min read

Form 5500s due 7/31 for 2018 calendar year plans
Employers must file Form 5500 by the last day of the 7th month following the last day of the plan year. This means plans that began Jan...
Sarah Borders
Jul 8, 20192 min read

Small employers are not exempt from ERISA
Almost all private-sector employers that have a welfare benefit plan for their employees are subject to ERISA’s requirements, with only...
Sarah Borders
Jun 25, 20191 min read

Who is a Fiduciary under ERISA?
Every ERISA plan has to have a “named” fiduciary who is the person responsible for plan administration. However, named fiduciaries are...
Sarah Borders
Apr 7, 20191 min read
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